Ethical Porn

Ladies High Tea and Pornography Society is open to Critique and Enjoyment of many types of pornography. We believe that feminists can Enjoy porn while also Believing that there are many Unethical and anti-feminist complications around how the Medium is Produced, Consumed and Marketed. While the Main Focus of the videos we watch tends to be on Ethical Porn, there are often themes that embrace Mainstream Pornography as well.

Society Members tend to be titillated by Parody Pornography, which creates XXX versions of popular Movies and Television Shows; while these tend to cling to outdated and privileged Body and Gender Ideals, we take Pleasure in pulling those things apart and Critiquing not only the XXX movie but the Work on which the Pornography was based in order to discuss the Root of these Issues. We have also watched examples that can seem quite Dark and Lynch-ian. Basically, we embrace the Full Spectrum of Pornography, if not for Erotic Stimulation, then for the Intellectual Kind.